Little does Tara know, she helped me not have an anxiety attack today. If I hadn't stopped in at her place after dropping Sally off at the groomer's, I probably would have come home and had a fit. One of those I-don't-have-enough-underwear-my-bathing-suit-doesn't-fit-should-I-pack-2-pairs-of-shoes-or-3-do-we-have-enough-money-will-the-dogs-survive-the-week kinds of fits. But instead I found out she has yet another purse, not a new one but a different one, and I'm not mocking, just observing from a 1 purse person point of view.
I had a good dog day too, Sally got groomed, and now smells Divine! Linus got a Halti last week and now isn't the biggest jerk in the class. We went from the bottom of the barrel to probably half way up this week. We'll miss next week and probably be back at the bottom the week after that. I did find out that he loves me, really loves me today. We had to go to the other end of the building and call our dog to come to us. I figured seeing as how I'm not food, and there are a dozen other dogs and people in the place, Linus might not think I'm so hot. But he totally proved me wrong and he ran to get to me. He loves me! I could have cried I was so happy. This is the dog who when called to come in from outside will look to see if you have food, if he even looks at all and then will keep doing whatever it was that he was doing, like watching the neighbour's grass grow.
So now I am 1/2 an hour from Kerry getting home and can honestly say all I really did around here was vacuum under the fridge and stove and chauffeur dogs around town.
Sally looks great... why is Linus wet???
Old picture of the two of them after going to the creek.
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