I had a fairly busy weekend. Or, maybe it was a Wii-kend. Ha Ha, I crack myself up if nothing else.
My birthday started out great. I got to sleep a bit later, nothing too exciting, but the dogs didn't dictate the time I woke up like they do every day. And I had what every woman wants for her birthday breakfast...Tater Tots and bacon, it's what I asked for...it was perfect.
Kerry and the kids made their own cards, Emily made me some patterned paper for scrap booking. I got the Juno cd, Rayman's Raving Rabbids 2, money, and lots of scrap booking goodies from Tara and Shawn. And carrot cake, I can't forget about that, from Cooper's and it was yummy! I also had a surprise ice cream cake on Thursday from Marg and Terry! And mom had us for dinner on Wednesday and I had cake then too.
Then we went out to find a Wii Fit. We planned on going and pre-paying at the Source but on the way we stopped at Toys R'Us because they kept saying "Saturday we'll get some" and even though they never have before, we still went faithfully. And we hit pay dirt. They had gotten 12 in, sold 8 already, it was just after 9 am. and we bought 2. One for us, one for Tara and Shawn, even though they don't own a Wii. They will have lots of fun just standing on the board while watching the Olympics!
We didn't try these, but they were intriguing. Taco salad in a bag, they take a small bag of Doritos, crunch it up, add taco salad makings and you walk away and eat it. Fairly mess free. After all of this, Kerry went and donated blood, the sky split into and it poured and poured. We have had lots of thunder and lightening. And then Emily and I went to Tara's for birthday cropping while Kerry went to my dad's for Fight Night. We had cupcakes, donuts, bean dip, brie, made cards, I got some flowers from Victoria, and then I watched Denise love her Cricut. Which got me thinking I could send my Silhouette some good lovin' vibes and maybe, just maybe, it would send some love my way. And so the next morning while in the shower, I got the idea to scan a scalloped Carousel Note from SU and try to cut it out with my Silhouette. And look at this!!! I did it, not just once, but 12 times! Perfectly cut out, without any problems from that darn machine. I mean "That wonderful, fantastic, kind of noisy work of art!"
So, the steaks were good? I'm glad we got the right 'leg' of meat for you! I'm sure you forgot something... but it seems to be a fairly comprehensive review of the day! Don't forget about 'birthday' shopping in Vancouver still to come (ie. 'birthday week' (or two!!!)). We hooked up the Wii Fit board last night (borrowed a Wii from his parents!) and now my broken foot is even sorer and, it turns out, balance is not my forte... nice. Do I trip a lot when I walk? Maybe. I tripped into a hole and broke my foot - does that count?
Oh, and you forgot my most beautiful card... made with things I opened Just For You...
Oh, yes, I got most beautiful cards, and the money is to be spent when we go to Vancouver and again when we go and see DONNA!!! and Kah-Mei and CD.
Hi Kelli - Cyndy from studio mod here. Thanks for your comments on my blog. We were just in Oregon for 2 weeks so I am behind on the bloggin...I took the BPS Photo 101 last year...loved it. Just finished the Art that Happens to be Your Life with Allison Tyler Jones at BPS...It was absolutely amazing! Quickly checked your blog..it's great. I'll be sure to bookmark you.
Sounds like an excellent wkend! That taco in a bag sounds intriguing...I think I might like that! Very cool about the scallops!
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