Friday, September 19, 2008

Still sick

I am determined to get rid of my head cold. I'm trying to get rest, but every time I recline, my head fills with snot. I so don't want to be 'the girl that gave Donna Downey a head cold'.
I have had classes most nights this week, and have them almost till I leave, so I must try to get in some kind of rest standing up right.
Tonight, my first Brazilian student signed up for scrap booking classes. Yay for international students!
Got my hair cut and coloured, and my hairdresser is now in my will, she said I looked like I was in my 20s! Even with my puffy eyes and red nose.
I met Tara at Costco and did a terrible job of shopping for essentials, so I will have to go back in the next day or so. Drat. Costco on the weekend!
Emily is spending the night at my mom and dad's, Kerry thinks he's getting lucky because we are home alone. But he's got another thing coming! I'm going to sleep, in front of the tv, sitting up so my head doesn't fill up with snot again. Such a turn on!


Brenna said...

You're too funny...hope you're feeling better soon.

bcgal00 Rae said...

Poor thing! Get better. Have you tried tylenol cold and sinus? I always take that when I have a cold, its what keeps me going throughout the day. Try it!