Thursday, December 23, 2010

The good, the bad and the ugly

I have kids, I really do. But they don't co-operate and are almost never home at the same time in the daylight. And so my Christmas picture always consists of two semi-willing subjects.  The fur kids.
Seeing as how I sold my Tamron, thank you, Marg, and woke up realizing I would not have a proper lens to document Christmas with Grandpa and other holiday gatherings, a fast trip was made to Lens and Shutter before 10 am. No Christmas presents for me or Kerry for 3 years now. (Kerry got a new bike a few weeks ago.)
 We tried different poses this year. None of which were perfect. I'm really regretting my blue colour choice for the living room, even at almost noon, it too dark for natural light photography.
We went outside afterwards and got a few shots, I'm noticing a trend. I need to use a higher f-stop for long dog noses.
I do believe I have the cutest dogs ever! 

Well, if not the cutest, then at least the most photographed.


Anonymous said...

your dogs are gorgeous! And so patient for the pics!
Merry Christmas!

Marina Garrison said...

Errrrrr, ya didn't say what you bought at Lens and Shutter??? We're in suspense here.....

bcgal00 Rae said...

Merry Xmas to you all! BTW, my dogs are the cutest :)

But yours come in a close second!

Unknown said...

Love the pictures of the dogs - always awesome!!