The dogs are lice-free, hopefully forever. Sally got the full meal deal and Linus just got a good bath and possibly a trim, hard to tell. They smell divine! Good enough to eat. Both are totally pooped out, going for an all day spa treatment tires a dog out.
I've taken my allergy pill today and it's a 24 hour deal, but it's been in the system for about 7 hours and I feel worse than I did before I took it. Serves me right for leaving a window open last night. I sneezed all the way to the groomers, about 15 minute drive, then my eyes water and my nose runs. It's so pretty.
Darrell and I had a good laugh about your comments LOL! Love the close-up of Sally.
Great shot...and I absolutely LOVE your commontating on the dogs thoughts and devious minds! hehehehe
Love ya,
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