Friday, February 20, 2009

Button Eyes

When you are sick and you don't have the concentration to do much, you find things like this to make you smile or shudder in fear.

Linus with button eyes courtesy of Coraline at
You also head over to and buy things you will probably forget you have. And then you let your kids put in a huge order. I support reading and I don't care if they spend a million dollars on books, as long as I get the credit card points and they pay me back.
I think I'll blame my head cold and maybe Rae.


lacintha said...

Eek!!!! That is a F-R-E-A-K-Y picture, girl!
Another huge fan of buying books..I usually get mine at (I have a Chapters card so the discounts are pretty sweet :))

Hope you're feeling better and that you're seeing the world through a less pink hue :)

bcgal00 Rae said...

That pic is kind of disturbing LOL
Ummm....about the don't seem to need too much enabling!
I'm trying to stay away from Chapters and Amazon for awhile b/c I have about 7-8 books that I still haven't read yet from them. I got the last SS mag today...that was kinda sad.

Laureen said...

hey...thanks so much for your comment on my blog!! Had to pop in and see yours...omg - Linus is adorable. Did the lump turn out okay?

Kelli said...

The lump is possibly a cyst or maybe an ingrown hair, if it gets larger we are supposed to have it looked at again.