We have decided we hate doing it so much that we won't be doing the kitchen, we will tile it and the laundry room, possibly the stairs too.
We know that Linus is a laid back dog, but this weekend reminded us of how laid back he is. When the compressor is running, he doesn't bat an eye, whereas Sally isn't even on the same floor. Linus is right in the middle of the floor laying, checking everything out. He needs a little hard hat and badge that says "Supervisor". I'm sure he will get stepped on quite a bit with the new flooring, he blends in quite well.
Linus went to the dog park with MR's dog, Eli and they wrestle like a couple of maniacs, but only after Linus takes a dip in the 'swamp'. He has to clear it of birds and ducks. He actually 'hopped' across to the other side to grap the fluffy cat tails and he tried to bring it back but about 1/2 way back he realized he had a mouth full of cotten and spit it out. He gets absolutely filthy when he's with Eli because he spends most of his time rolling on the ground under Eli.
This is him runny/jumping across the pond-like body of water. (I didn't take my big lens, my arms are too weak from flooring installation(
I'd post pics but again, blogger is angry with me.
I can't handle the stress of the flooring. Seriously, E. has dumped about 1/2 a liter of water on it already, and Sally has scratched it a couple times 'secretly' jumping on and off the couch. I know it will get scratched but, come on, we aren't even finished installing it!!!
I'm lovin your new banner! Sandy is just like Linus...lays right in the middle of the renos and tries to nonchalantly scoop up any stray nails, screws, bits of woods, plaster, pretty much anything :)
We're didn't do hardwood...for us its laminate flooring. Darrell did our kitchen, DR and hallway and now has bought more to do the flooring in our trailer. I try to stay out of the way when renos are happening...I'm not much into manual labor..I'm better in an advisory capacity, really.
AWESOME new banner...LOVE these photographs too...totally DARLING!
Love ya! xoxo
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