Kerry and I took his mom for lunch yesterday. I took my camera because afterwards Doreen has bowling and we were going to watch for a bit. I pulled it out during lunch and got this great shot of her. I am seriously going to put a different lens on my camera today, but I so love the 50mm. Tara says I can't always have 'blurry background' pictures. I beg to differ.
Kerry's mom bowls in the same league as my grandpa. He's 91 and still bowls a better game than I can, twice a week. When you turn 90 and can still bowl, you get to for free. When his team members collect the fees every week, grandpa is so funny, he doesn't tell them that he doesn't his words "There's no need to broadcast it". If I live to be 90, I'm getting a t-shirt made. And grandpa's so 'on the ball', he took one look at my camera "it's a Canon", "how much? $_____?" Darn it, he knew exactly what that baby cost us. He wanted to know what kind of film, he's got a decent camera and some interest. So I explained the whole digital thing and his main concern was that I would have to buy more cards, he thought once they were full, that was it, so then I explained the whole uploading to the computer thing and I think he's got it. I wanted to get some shots of him doing what he loves, he's 91, making changes to his will, all his friends are moving on, and I don't want to ever say "I wish I had some pictures of grandpa". He's my only living grandparent now. He's grumpy, he's practical, he plants a mean garden, and he's mine. I want to get some shots of his garden this spring. Puts my weed patch to shame.
Today, I am going to put a different lens on my camera, not because I want to but I will probably be forced to. Tara B.(I don't actually know any other Taras and it bugs her) anyway, Tara B. and I are taking a photography class! Very exciting.
On the homefront, all walls are painted, some carpet has been taken out. Much to our dismay, it is glued to the original lino. Sally leaned against the living room wall and now has blue hair on one side. She was so freaked out about it that she almost leaned against another wall as Kerry was trying to get her out of the living room. Poor thing.
And as you can see, I haven't been making a single thing, with classes most of next week, I better put the camera down and get a move on.
Love your photos today! Your grandpa sounds like quite a character...holy moly...bowling???? I can't even bowl anymore b/c it hurts my arm and I may feel ancient sometimes but I ain't in my 90's...kudos to him! Enjoy your photography class...the more you learn, the more fun you can have with it!
You are so inspiring me to pull out my 50mm 1.8 lens too. I don't use it as much as I probably should.
What BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPHS! Love them and reading all your fun! I love learning more about photography too...super fun!
Love ya,
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