Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Insert Title Here.

I took a million and one pictures over the last couple of days. And if I could remember how I made the slide show the last time, I would do it again. But I've got sometimers, which happens just before Alzheimer's.
This is one of 3 of Kelly-Next-Door's Shelty puppies.
Linus's grass nose.
Sally's "You did what?" eyes.
These are the cards I've made recently. The camera is set on User Def. 1, which Bruce from PW set up as Vibriant. I have more but they don't seem to want to be added.

I took this one because I wanted to take a picture of a bunch of things all lined up, with the first one in focus and the last one out of focus. Makes me wish I had more than 2 kids to take pictures of. Wonder if I can get the kids and dogs to line up?

I'm grumbly. Work was...well, it was work.

I think the only bright spot in my work day was when Chericce asked if I liked my camera and I yelled out YES! And Elizabeth said I sound just like my mom when I laugh.

Linus was extra good for most of puppy school. The little turd made me look stupid, he was the best heeling dog in the world when the instructor was looking. Very frustrating. Again, she said he was The Most Stubborn Golden she's ever seen. At least he's really good at something!


bcgal00 Rae said...

Awww...love the doggie pics today, especially the "grass nose"! Your cards are fab!!! Love em!

Kimberly said...

OMGoodness...lots of eye candy in this post girl...FABULOUS shots...and Lahoooove those cards you created! You RAWK! xoxo

Pat MacKenzie said...

I love your cards - makes me want to go make some of my own. Doggy pics are sweet too.

Marina Garrison said...

Love the cards, completely understand about sometimers :)
I thought it was just a side affect of having kids....