Monday, September 10, 2012

Jumping Ahead In the Recent Events.

Ever since I saw this picture of a beach taken with a tilt shift lens, I have wanted one. But since I don't have a full frame camera, yet, I had to 'settle' for a Lensbaby Edge 80. I know it's not a really tilt shift lens, I know it's an acquired look. But I love it. I see it so much now, like on the opening credits to Sherlock, on that weird river boat tour commercial, and a few other places.
I got one over the weekend, mom and I went to Vancouver and hung out with Justin. I put my Lensbaby on the camera early Saturday morning and only took that lens out with me. It was hard.
 You can't quickly snap a photo. You have to use live view, which I hadn't done with my camera. And you have to manually focus, which I can do, but I'm slow. We ate lunch at Save-On Meats. It was good, but not as good as Peaceful Restaurant or Meat and Bread. It was also in the sketchy part of town, so it was scary.
 While eating dinner at Granville Island we sat and watched the boats.
 Can you see how the boat looks miniature? That's what I love. I need lots more practice.
 We listened to this girl sing while we sat. She was good.
 On the way home Sunday, I still had the lens on so when we stopped to watch the forest fire, I didn't have time to change lens. I can't believe how close the fire was to the highway.