Monday, January 25, 2010

Matryosh key

Isn't this just the cutest? I have a pair, the other one is red, they were a little gift from Yolanda. This one matches my key fob. This morning when I went to start the van, I realized she makes my key too fat to fit in the ignition. I don't think the excuse "My Matryosh Key wouldn't fit in my van ignition" was a good reason to miss work. It took me a few minutes to swap her to Kerry's truck key, which is on my key ring, too.
Today the Olympic torch comes to town. Tomorrow it makes the rounds past most of the middle and high schools. This will wreak havoc on the bus schedules and people taking their kids to school as it happenings right around the start of both elementary and then high school. Not sure who is in charge of planning but I think this might make for a chaotic morning. I'm not sure what we will do, part of me says go, participated, but then the other part of me says "Are you crazy?"


Anonymous said...

Go!! It isnt something you see everyday! How cool!

Heather said...

GO!!!! Totally awesome gift!

bcgal00 Rae said...

Love Yo's gift...very cute!