Thursday, July 26, 2007

Remember When...

It seems like such a short time ago, but it's been 4 months since we brought home baby Linus. He's 6 months old this week. He has graduated from being called Baby Li Li, to Mister Li Li. He has surpassed Sally in height and probably weight. He hasn't grown into his paws. He is definately in the defiant teen phase. I know you aren't supposed to compare your kids, but we had it easy with Sally. She was timid but she didn't chew, or eat anything and everything that hit the floor. She didn't bite, or bark back when given heck. Linus is a 'typical boy', a block head, a goofball, a big oaf, a toughie. Although, when wrestling with Sally he will come running to mommy if one of them lets out a squeeky yelp, it doesn't matter which dog. And both of them will sit on me during a thunder storm. I have established myself as the treat giver, the beloved apple tosser, the push-over, and the chew toy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That pic of L. in the brick hole makes me LOL! He was (still is) such a lovable sweetie! I need some Linus lovin'... (although, don't let him know that I told you, but Harley has been *snuggling* with me lately! Must know I need it, eh?)