Thursday, May 01, 2008

toot for me

Lori, the dental hygienist: You have the cleanest adult mouth in this office.
Me: You say that to everyone.
Lori: No, really, your mouth is really clean.

My secret? I have to floss after every thing I eat, everything. After my root canal, I ended up with a tooth that needs flossing all the time. I'm not saying I wouldn't floss, I would floss after every meal, naturally. But I seriously have to floss after EVERY little thing that goes in my mouth.

My teeth are so clean I swear they 'ting' every time I smile.
I was told not to eat for 1/2 an hour after the fluoride, and of course, I'm starving now.
I walked to the dentist and back! Yay me. Thank goodness for my ipod that I love almost as much as my camera. I got to show the hygienists and office staff my 'good' dog and 'bad' dog. I guess Kerry must have regaled them with stories when he went in too. Poor Linus. (I have over 2400 pictures on my ipod)


bcgal00 Rae said...

Yay to you for having a great dental checkup!

Kimberly said...

That is AWESOME! Good for you too! Great habbits! I have to have a toothpick after every time I eat! LOL