Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's BABY!!!

I must admit this was the fastest pregnancy ever, considering I only found out a few months ago that Yolanda was expecting.
Duncan called at about 12:30 am. to say that BABY GIRL Robinson finally made her arrival! It actually went like this...
Me on fax phone because cordless wasn't hung up last night: Hello...
DR: Happy Valentine's Day!
Me thinking who's the drunk that dialed the wrong number: What?
And then all was revealed.
That was an hour and a half ago and I'm so excited I couldn't go back to sleep, so I'm blogging about it.
Emily was right, the baby would be a Valentine's Baby. I gave Duncan some name ideas, I don't think they will use either. Valentine and Kelli didn't make the short list. I'm planning on going to see them later today. Did I mention I'm very excited?
I {heart} babies!!!


bcgal00 Rae said...

A Valentine awesome is that!

Anonymous said...

Great news! You should know I'll be stalking your blog all day waiting for baby photos!!